Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I can't tell which is worse!

I can't tell which tattoo is worse! Is it this unicorn with a broken/ jello neck?

... or these little scratchy buddies? They are both so bad!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chopper Tattoo Review

Chopper Tattoo is a tattoo design website with a database of just under 4000 tattoo’s. It’s sole purpose is to help you choose a design for your next tattoo.You can download and print as many designs as you like, and can combine different designs to make your own custom tattoo.There are many different tattoo categories to choose from in the membership area of Chopper Tattoo. Once you’ve found a

Monday, November 30, 2009

Tattoo Designs For Women

Tattoo designs for women are become hotter and hotter all the time. Tattoo as body art has been enjoyed by practically every civilization and culture in history down through the years. All these people had one thing in common; they appreciated the artwork of beautiful tattooing.Tattoo Designs For Women Tattoo Designs For Women

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dragon Tattoo

Dragons are the mysterious creatures, usually represented as monstrous, winged and scaly serpents, with enormous claws and a crested head. The word ‘dragon’ is derived from the Latin and French words for the Greek ‘drakwu’. The term is connected with ‘derkomai’ for ‘see’ and interpreted as ‘sharp sighted’. The depictions of dragons have been incredibly complex and diverse, over the years. No

Monday, July 13, 2009

Angelina Jolie Tattoos

Angelina has a mix of tattoos on both her arms. Her left bicep previously had the name "Billy Bob" and a black tribal dragon on it. Both of those pieces have since been removed by laser treatments. In their place are now the latitude and longitude coordinates for the birthplaces of Maddox, Zahara, Shiloh and Pax. Be on the lookout for 43n42, 7e15 to be added to Angelina's arm sometime in the

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Chinese Symbol Tattoos

Chinese Symbol Tattoos

Chinese Symbol Tattoos

Chinese Symbol Tattoos

Chinese tattooings of symbol develop quickly in popularity in the whole world. In fact, more than six thousand searchs for people of the expression of Chinese tattooings on the Internet each day. But this 's nonastonishing as Chinese tattooings of symbol are extremely beautiful and mysterious.

Mehndi Tattoos Design

Henna - Mehndi Tattoos

Henna - Mehndi Tattoos

In the hot climate of the Middle East, the factory of heena, which has the scientific named inernis of Lawsonia, develops admirably. During centuries, the inhabitants of the countries in the Middle East learned how to crush the sheets of heena, and with thus produce a powder. If this powder is mixed with oil of mehndi, it can be applied to the skin. Why would somebody like to put a mixture of oil and powder on the skin? Well, this powder precisely proves to contain chemicals called tannins. These tannins give to the powder sheets crushed the capacity to soil objects touched by the powder. Once mixed with oil of mehndi, the powder can soil the skin. The skin becomes one various nuances of brown.

Ankle Tattoos Designs

Ankle Tattoos Designs

Ankle Tattoos Designs

There are many people seeking tattooings N of ankle the Internet, but more they never finds the drawing-model truly large that they are then. Sour, you will be able to find much Web sites which have tons of designs for ankles, but the majority of these places have generic, the art of biscuit-cutter which should never not be arranged above. He 'thing of SA the good one there are manners of deviating much of this bottom-of-the-range substance.

If you are like 9% of the people on the Web, the seek-engines are essential with your research to find the Web sites which have tattooings of ankle. It is the exact point where people are badly. He 's not real people seeking the drawing-model; he 's the seek-engines which are principal you right to the hundreds of Web sites credits outside there. All what seem jump upwards in the results of a search by seeking a tattooing are him the same places of biscuit-cutter which must be avoided.

These Web sites are filled at the edge of tattooings of ankle and of the designs which are manner more than six years and the majority of what they have is already announced on hundreds of other Web sites in all the Web. There is not a bit of originality in tattooings the ones of ankle that they could have. Not only this, but the true pulsor is that they comprise the drawing-model which wasn 't even drawn to be transformed into tattooing of real life. The selection of one of these tattooings of ankle means that the thee is a very true chance that it gained 'glance of T anywhere close as good as it looked on paper that you printed it above. That 's an important fact which must be identified.

Now we will speak during one second about the way of finding the drawing-model of quality which seems to be missed per so many people. To make long shorts of history, you will want to plunge in forum of Internet. They are a manner tested and there true to unearth the tons of superb Web sites outside which have so much higher tattooings of ankle of notch than you have summers absent outside above. The search engines put the 'exposure of T you several of these places and the forum is your manner of obtaining to them.

You can find ink after bond of the posts in the hundreds of different forum. There are some enough honest people in the forum and they share their results with others which seek the same thing. In this case in fact Web sites have tattooings of ankle of quality that it is necessary that you look through. He 'simple solution of SA to a problem growing on the Web.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Japanese Kanji Tattoos

The Most Popular Japanese Kanji Tattoos

Let's talk about where you can find japanese kanji tattoos. japanese kanji tattoos are not very hard thing to find on the internet. I bet that you can spend less than five minutes doing a quick search on Google and find thousands of japanese kanji tattoos.

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Japanese kanji tattoos, japanese kanji tattoo, kanji tattoos, japanese tattoos
Japanese kanji tattoos, japanese kanji tattoo, kanji tattoos, japanese tattoos
Japanese kanji tattoos, japanese kanji tattoo, kanji tattoos, japanese tattoos
Japanese kanji tattoos, japanese kanji tattoo, kanji tattoos, japanese tattoos

No matter which japanese kanji tattoos you decide on, just make certain that you are 110% happy with it before getting it tattooed

Technorati: Japanese kanji tattoos, japanese kanji tattoo, kanji tattoos, japanese tattoos

Style Pheonix Tattoo Design

Style Pheonix Tattoo Design

Sexy Pheonix Tattoo

Friday, July 3, 2009

Japanese Tattoo

The Most Popular Japanese Tattoo

Let's talk about where you can find japanese tattoo. japanese tattoo are not very hard thing to find on the internet. I bet that you can spend less than five minutes doing a quick search on Google and find thousands of japanese tattoo.

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japanese tattoo, japanese tattoos, japanese tattoo design, japanese tattoo designs
japanese tattoo, japanese tattoos, japanese tattoo design, japanese tattoo designs
No matter which japanese tattoo you decide on, just make certain that you are 110% happy with it before getting it tattooed

Technorati: japanese tattoos, japanese tattoo, japanese tattoo designs, japanese tattoo design

Tattoo Body with Sexy Tattoo Design

sexy tattoo body girl

sexy dragon tattoo body girl

You 'd thinking of obtaining a tattooing for a long time, and now that you 'the VE taken the dive you 'about excited about what 'about seeing you. You know that the pain whom you passed while obtaining tattooing was nothing now that you see the results. Gift 't make the error, although, of the thought your work is complete. Without adapted care, your beautiful new tattooing can finish being in rise your worse nightmare.

Flower Tattoo Design

Buddha Tattoo Design With Kanji